Saturday, January 4, 2014

I am tired of reading Reliv Watchdog's blog

Before I started using Reliv products, I searched on the Internet for information.  I have never heard of Reliv before, and I wanted to learn more about it.  I found Reliv Watchdog's blog, and started reading.  There were negative comments all over the blog.  I read other sites, and there were positives and negatives.  I just had to go with my gut feelings, and I gave it a try.

Before using Reliv, I was very sick, and could not work.  I applied for disability, and I had my hearing in October 2012.  I have gone to 30 plus doctors and was on many different medications.  I tried physical therapy, chiropractor, massage, acupuncture, and I was still in a lot of pain, and stayed many days in bed.  For the first month on Reliv, I had better sleep.  I used to stay awake for 2-4 hours with pain.  I could sleep just in 10 minutes with Reliv.  It wasn't all pleasant at first because I was on a lot of medications, and I was feeling really tired and constipated after starting on Reliv.  I told my sponsor that I don't think it was working and I was about to quit.  But, what else can I do?  My doctors didn't know what to do with me, and many times I just thought about ending my life because my life was so miserable with pain every single day for six and half years. 

So, I decided to stay on.  After 3-4 months, my pain level went down, and I didn't need my medications.  My neurologist was amazed. He looked at the can, and told me to keep taking it.  It's been one year now, and I can do so many things I could not do before.  I could travel with family, could go to a movie theater, amusement park, and ride on the plane without medications and ear plugs.  I had work injury seven years ago, and I damaged auditory nerve severely.  I could not stand up, eat, talk or listen to any noise.  It's called Acoustic Shock Injury from a telephone headset, and none of my doctors have seen anyone like me before.  I was able to tell the judge at the disability hearing that I no longer stay in bed and Reliv helped me to get better.  I was awarded some benefits for the time I was really sick.

Yes, I have became a distributor to get the highest discount.  I have regular customers and distributors.  It's been a joy to see people improve their health.  I don't make much money - just retail and wholesale profits, but I am happy to share the blessings of Reliv to other people even without pay.  Please don't believe everything on the Reliv Watchdog blog.  It's very biased.  If people use Reliv products correctly, many would enjoy good results.  Our body is different, and some may need to try different combinations before finding the right combination.  I have never seen any results like I had with Reliv.  I am glad that I didn't listen to the blogger's advice.  Reliv does not promise cure and it is not a treatment, but it is the best nutrition supplement I found so far, and my body responded very well to the Reliv nutrition.  I am one happy customer/distributor.  The person does not even disclose his/her name.  The person is enjoying the income from the ads on the blog, and taking away the chance for the other people to try Reliv and get better. What a shame.